M42 The Orion Nebula
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
ALMA and the Magellanic Clouds
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
A Giga-Pixel LMC
作者:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
The Great Carina Nebula
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
Summit of Maunakea under Twilight
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
Stars over Maunakea
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
2012 May 21 Annular Eclipse in Taipei
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
Milky Way Rising over Jade Mountain
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
M81, M82, NGC 3077, and Integrated Flux Nebula
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
LBN 534 and vdB 158
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
NGC 2175 Monkey Face
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
Milky Way setting above ALMA
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
γ Cygni and IC 1318
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
Northern Scorpius 2018
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
IC 2602, the Southern Pleiades
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
NGC 253
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
M81, M82, and NGC 3077
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
IC 1396
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
Stars over Maunakea
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
Summer Milky Way Panorama
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
Dust and gas in the Scorpius/Ophiuchus/Libra region
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
North America Nebula
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
IC 4592, the Blue Horse Head Nebula
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
IC 2944, the Running Chicken Nebula
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪
The Spring Milky Way
攝影:Wei-Hao Wang|典藏:王為豪